Monday, May 21, 2007

Plymouth CND at the Lord Mayors Parade

Despite the best efforts of Plymouth City Council to ban us for being "too political", anti-nuclear activists took part in the annual Lord Mayors Parade, carrying the Plymouth CND message. In line with the declared 'maritime' theme, we carried an 8ft paper-mache submarine and banners requesting the use of the seas for peace. We were generally well received, and up until the Sandra-incident, I personally experienced no negativity from anyone. On one or two occasions I heard parents explaining to their kids "It's a nuclear submarine, darling. It's about the bombs."
At another point, a council employee doffed his hat to us and clapped us as we walked past.

According to some of my colleagues, we would have been booed 10 years ago. The people of Plymouth are coming round to the dangers of Trident on their doorstep, on all our doorsteps.
We are winning.